The VRB 700 Blood Bank Refrigerator is a single chamber fridge with two fully independent cooling systems: each system has an independent compressor, evaporator, condenser and condenser fan. The refrigerator switches from he first cooling unit to the second every 6 hours; in case of failure of one of the cooling systems, the other is activated automatically and an alarm condition is issued. A microprocessor thermal regulator controls the temperature of the chamber with a resolution of 0.1 °C; it also monitors the status of the door, detecting a door ajar condition after a programmable time. The temperature is continuously monitored by an alarm system, whose range can be programmed. (factory set @ +/- 2°C). The presence of mains supply is monitored by an alarm system. In case of power failure an alarm condition is issued. The refrigerator has a battery backup system that supplies all alarm systems, even in case of mains failure or accidental disconnection of the equipment from the mains socket, accidental switch-off etc.